Get your own customized profile as shown below!
  • Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Have you ever wondered why healthy people get very sick and what causes chronic diseases?
  • Why adopted children share the same chronic disease history?
  • Why married couples die from the same chronic diseases?
  • Why cancer clusters occur?

According to the Centers for Disease Control over half of all chronic diseases are caused by environmental factors.

To find out what environmental risks you are facing you need a toxic profile tailor-made to your own history. You need an Enviro Health Life Profile (E-HELP). With this report you will be able to work with your doctor to diagnose diseases in your family early and to determine the best courses of treatment.

You will also learn ways to reduce toxic exposures and avoid future exposures in your neighborhoods.

For just $50 per location (residence, job-site, school etc.) you can know your health risks from toxic exposures. Or, if you choose, you can receive a Full-Life Profile (including up to 5 locations) for a discounted price of $200.

We will use the data you provide (current and previous addresses, race gender etc.) to calculate the risks of developing specific chronic diseases. We will measure the distance from the nearest toxic sources for each chemical emitted and compare the amounts released per year. We will integrate the latest scientific studies on chemical exposure with cancer risks and death rates from specific chronic diseases by county. From this information, we will generate your own history of toxic exposure and estimated risks of developing specific kinds of diseases. To begin, please fill out and return the attached form.

Enviro Health Site Profile

SKU 00001

Personalized analysis of health risks from toxic chemical exposure at a single site. This might include home, work or school customized during the period of occupation. It could also be used to investigate future moves or neighborhoods under consideration. The specific types amounts and proximity to sources of pollution would be reviewed historically to determine the individual's risk of exposure and assoc. chronic diseases.


Enviro-Health Exposure Lifetime Profile (E-HELP)

SKU 00000

This profile is a personalized history of your toxic exposures. This report could also be used to determine your family's risks of toxic exposure. It is an analysis of the type, amounts and duration of your individual chemical and environmental exposures at your homes and workplaces at important times throughout your lifetime. It provides a risk analysis for cancer and chronic diseases from exposures in the past and possible symptoms to watch for in the future. It can help you and your doctor with diagnosis and treatments and allow you to avoid future toxic exposures.
